29 Mar 2011

Get Uncommon :)

Heyy guys! I came across something rather cool today, and decided to share it with you. :) GetUncommon.com is a website which allows you to upload a picture and design your own iPhone/iPod/iPad (iProduct) case. Here's a screenshot of the website:

Click to enlarge

"Uncommon" are an American company, but I believe they ship worldwide (unfortunately, with added shipping costs). If you want a personalised case, it will cost you $40 (around £25). Other cases range from around $20 to $40. If you think about it, I'd say that was a pretty good deal, as if you were to buy a case from Apple themselves, they average at a cost of around $35.

One thing I am going to say about the cases, judging by the website photos, is that they are quite chunky. My iPod case, for example, is really slim and doesn't have that bumper thing around the side (which I find quite annoying). But if you are someone who doesn't mind having a chunky case, then it won't be a problem.

I found out about this company through "FleurDeForce" from YouTube. Here's the video: http://youtu.be/5yk63ruATPQ (skip to 07:24 to see her iPhone 4 case), and be sure to check out the rest of her channel/videos. She is one of my favourite YouTubers - she does beauty/style related videos, so if you're into that kind of thing, I think you will enjoy her videos very much. :)

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