19 Feb 2011

Lady GaGa hatches, Justin Bieber wins MVP, and Paris Hilton's looking for a cake thief

I don't really want this to become the blog where I talk about Lady GaGa all the time, but there's just so much to talk about! But she's not getting another post dedicated just to her - I'll also be covering two more stories which interested me today: Justin Bieber's win at the NBA All-Star Game and Paris Hilton's stolen birthday cake.

 So, back to Lady GaGa - well she definitely surprised us at the Grammy's when she arrived inside of an egg and had to be carried around by a group of people; but something I wasn't aware of until today, was that she actually spent 3 days inside that egg! (OMG!!) 3 days?? Ermm, there's a lot of things I could say about this, but I don't want this post to get too long, so I shall just move on.... In an interview, GaGa said: 
"I was in there for about 72 hours and it was a very creative experience, and it was time for me to prepare and really think about the meaning and get prepared for the performance. I really wanted to be born on stage."
Lady GaGa wants to be "re-born" in terms of her music career as she has a new album coming out called "Born This Way".

Now onto Justin Bieber. He's been everywhere this week - including the NBA's All-Star Weekend game. And congrads to him too - since he won "most valuable player" (as voted for by the public).

For the interested (and/or basketball fans like myself), Justin had 8 points, 4 assists and 2 rebounds. His team narrowly lost 54-49. 

The event took place at the Los Angeles Convention Centre. If you missed last night's game, don't worry, you can catch the next one tonight on the ESPN channel at 1:30am UK time.

You can watch a clip of Justin playing by clicking here.

And last but not least, I shall cover the (rather strange) story of how Paris Hilton's birthday cake got stolen. The cake was custom made for Paris' pre-30th birthday celebration on the 15th of February and cost $3,200 (about £2,130), and contained absinthe (a rather expensive, highly alcoholic beverage). The man who stole her cake afterwards bragged about it on Facebook and stated:
"I crashed Paris Hilton's Birthday Party and Accidentally the Whole Cake. I woke up this morning with a birthday cake in my living room. It's big. It's red. It says 'Paris'. And it's f***ing delicious. I don't know WTF I'm going to do with it."
Yes, I bet it was delicious. =P But small question, how did they not catch him? He claimed to be very drunk at the time, so I'm surprised he made it out of the party, with the cake and then back to his house without anyone noticing (and without dropping the cake!) Seriously, though, how would they not notice, there must have been tons of people there, did they just look at him and go "that guy is heading off with Paris' cake - nothing strange about that". Of course, Paris herself has still to confirm this story...

Hope you enjoyed this post, and please feel free to let me know what you thought by commenting below :)

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