29 Mar 2011

Get Uncommon :)

Heyy guys! I came across something rather cool today, and decided to share it with you. :) GetUncommon.com is a website which allows you to upload a picture and design your own iPhone/iPod/iPad (iProduct) case. Here's a screenshot of the website:

Click to enlarge

"Uncommon" are an American company, but I believe they ship worldwide (unfortunately, with added shipping costs). If you want a personalised case, it will cost you $40 (around £25). Other cases range from around $20 to $40. If you think about it, I'd say that was a pretty good deal, as if you were to buy a case from Apple themselves, they average at a cost of around $35.

One thing I am going to say about the cases, judging by the website photos, is that they are quite chunky. My iPod case, for example, is really slim and doesn't have that bumper thing around the side (which I find quite annoying). But if you are someone who doesn't mind having a chunky case, then it won't be a problem.

I found out about this company through "FleurDeForce" from YouTube. Here's the video: http://youtu.be/5yk63ruATPQ (skip to 07:24 to see her iPhone 4 case), and be sure to check out the rest of her channel/videos. She is one of my favourite YouTubers - she does beauty/style related videos, so if you're into that kind of thing, I think you will enjoy her videos very much. :)

20 Mar 2011

My Music Obsession: Simon Curtis

Heyy everyone! Thought I'd share my current music obsession with you guys - Simon Curtis! I love his music! And as far as I know, he's not yet signed. I've been a fan of his for ages; I came across him on YouTube through Michael Buckley (WhatTheBuckShow) when one of his songs, "diablo", was featured at the end of one of Buck's webisodes.

"Delusional" from his album "8Bit Heart"; enjoy ;)

Simon Curtis' first album "8Bit Heart" is free for download from his website: www.simon-curtis.com, and he has another album, "" coming out later this spring. Billboard.com posted an article about him this week, which included a preview of his new album :D I'm so excited for it to come out!! You can read the article / listen to the preview here. The article also includes some figures of how many downloads/views he had received, and it's pretty impressive for someone who doesn't advertise and is only known though websites such as YouTube.

However, Simon is not quite a newbie to the business - he starred in "Spectacular!" in 2009 and in an episode of Disney's "Hannah Montana" the same year. He also duetted with Jay-Z on one song in his album.

Here's a a few of my favourite songs from "8Bit Heart": Delusional, Beat Drop, Diablo & The Dark. (According to my iTunes, as these are the top 4 :L) ;)

Defiantly worth checking out! Hope he gets big. :)

12 Mar 2011

Review of "The Unborn"

I just finished watching the movie, "The Unborn" (2009), and I thought I'd tell you what I thought.

First off, I shall explain a little bit of what the movie is about:

The film tells the story of a student called Casey who is being haunted by a spirit. She later finds out she is a twin, and that her brother had died while he was still in the womb. The spirit uses twins as a gateway between here and the "next world". The story continues as this spirit takes over the bodies of people Casey is close to - including her grandmother - and then kills them. Towards the end, they will try to perform an exorcism to get rid of the ghost that is haunting her. 

I really shouldn't say any more because I don't to give away the ending, but I've pretty much summed up the trailer, which you can watch here. You can read more about the movie on IMDb.

**Just a quick sidenote; doesn't the main actress (Odette Yustman) make a great twin for Megan Fox? :O (No pun intended ;) (Anyone who's watched the film may find that comment funny))

Odette Yustman as "Casey Beldon"
So, on with the review... Personally, i thought this film was really good! I read a lot of other reviews about it, and everyone seemed to hate it. I'm not sure why, maybe it was too scary for them? This movie is kind of a "Drag Me to Hell" meets "Paranormal Activity" meets "An American Haunting" - I honestly think that is the greatest combination ever and the movie was quite terrifying (and this is coming from someone who doesn't scare very easily). I love a thrill, and this defiantly had it for me! I was on the edge of my seat throughout the whole thing. The special effects were great and the story line was very relatively original (there were elements of Jewish folklore which made it really good - I'm an atheist, so the religious parts aren't what made me like the film). Overall, great film, loved it, and the ending was also really good.

This movie is certificate 15.

Overall: 5 stars
Story line: 5/5
Acting: 4.5/5
Effects: 4.5/5

Have you watched "The Unborn"? What did you think? If you haven't watched it, are you going to?

6 Mar 2011

Are you excited about "Limitless" + New blog?

Heyy everyone, long time no see! Sorry about that! But never-the-less, I'm back :D

Sooo.... I hear some movie-buzz going around - excitement is building up for the new movie, "Limitless" (which comes out on the 18th of March in the USA and 23rd in the UK, to check other locations click here.) The movie tells the story of a man who is given a drug which allows him to use the full capacity of his brain (as apposed to the estimated 20%), resulting in him becoming some-what of a "superman" capable of doing almost anything. The trailer explains it pretty well:

Enjoy :) Will you be going to see it? I most defiantly will be! This sounds like the next "Inception"... possibly?

Now onto the next little piece of news:- I'm thinking of starting another blog called "Azure's iBlog" where I will review apps and such for iPhones/iPods. Since getting my iPod, I've been pretty obsessed and have tested out around 200+ apps, so I'm thinking of reviewing some of them - the bad and the good. :D As soon as I start blogging I will edit this post and there will be a link here to my blog (the word "here" will be the link). :D

Also, another quick sidenote, I take back everything I said about the iPod case I bought! I just had a faulty one, but I got a replacement one the next day and it fits perfectly and the screen protector was present :L I love the case, it feels so nice when you hold it and also goes around the edge of the iPod without being all chunky and horrible. :)